Monday, 15 December 2008


In single parent, autonomously home-educating households - well, this one, anyway - weekends aren't really any different to any other day.

  • I'm still up at 5am, and asleep by 9pm.

  • All the usual jobs still need doing: cooking, cleaning, washing-up, etc.

  • Education goes on as normal, 24/7 unless the children are asleep.

But it seems that for the rest of the world, weekends are different and this does permeate our consciousness from time to time..

  • The Internet is relatively dead! I can receive upwards of 100 list mails on week days, but next to none at weekends. Ditto blog posts and comments. Sometimes I wonder why my inbox/RSS feed list is so empty, then I remember what day it is.

  • Supermarkets are closed on Sunday mornings. No early, quiet shopping for us then.

  • Everywhere is phenomenally busy, so we tend to stay at home.

  • I see a bit less of the teenagers because their schooled friends suddenly have spare time.

Maybe all this will change when Tom starts his business in January, but I suspect not much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can really relate to this even though I'm not a sinlge mum. My DH works Saturdays and every third Sunday, and has one day off in the week - either a Tuesday or a Wednesday. The internet thing annoys me the most, as it's that that stops me getting bored when the children are off playing when Dh is working.

15 December 2008 at 18:59  
Blogger Gill said...

Hi Clare, you too, huh? I thought there must be others! I'm guessing that the weekends close to Christmas are especially difficult for 'normal' HEing families (if there is such a thing!) because of Christmas shopping etc.

That's something I'm struggling with a bit, this time. It's hard to plan surprises for such observant, ever-present children!

16 December 2008 at 07:52  

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