Saturday, 23 August 2008

Resemblance meme

Seen on Sew Q and Handy Crafty Woman.

Hmmm. Which famous people have I been likened to?

In my 20s it tended to be Susanna Hoffs:

And in my 30s, Keeley Hawes:

Friends are kind, aren't they? ;-) But I've been in my 40s for two months now and so far, nobody has ventured an opinion as to who I resemble nowadays. If they did, I suspect it might be Nora Batty.

I don't have the rollers or the stockings, but I do a mean scowl and sweeping brush routine.


Blogger 'EF' said...

LOL at norah pic, I love that woman. My grandma is such a dead ringer for her that she's been asked for her autograph on several occasions.

24 August 2008 at 12:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh susannah hoffs cor there's a blast from the past! can see the keeley likeness for sure. I've never been told I look like anyone else ('cept me dad) my mother did once tell me i looked like someone out of belsen...

24 August 2008 at 13:29  
Blogger Gill said...

EF, she's great isn't she? I wouldn't mind being likened to her at all.

I never really thought I looked like Susanna Hoffs Tech, but loads of people said I did. (More precisely: "Er out of the Bangles," LOL)

And oh, are we talking about who our mothers have likened us to? LOL, you should have said! This post would have been ten times longer and about a tenth as complimentary!

25 August 2008 at 07:58  

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