Someone judged me today -
prejudged me, I mean. Yes, it was prejudice! This person barely knows me, but had me on a little pedestal straight away, you know: long-standing home educator, devoted mother, happy person, fairly eloquent, seems calm. Oooh, I must be someone wonderful. Then I was asked about my marital status and
Whooooosh! I felt the pedestal being whipped away from under my feet even as I spoke the reply. Dear me, you could
see the thought process on her face: "So.. if you were married years ago and now aren't, then who...? and
who....? and how...?" as she looked with mild panic at my two younger children. Then the warmth in her voice when she'd adressed me previously dropped to chill factor and she made her excuses and walked away!
It's quite amazing - this person
still doesn't really know me from Adam and yet I'm now far, far less worth knowing, in her eyes, than I was before. I don't understand this marriage-status thing. What's that all about? I'm sorry, but I tried marriage for 10 years and it
sucked. It just basically meant that I had another person to cook and clean for, who did very little in return except mess me about, keep housekeeping money from me, make decisions which concerned me without consulting me and yet expected to be consulted in every little decision I made, and demanded sex twice a day, regardless of how I felt or whether I was free from my mothering duties to provide it! Oh and who criticised me almost constantly, even though I never criticised him! Well, I once asked him to move his van away from the front of the house because it was blocking the daylight out of the house again - not that there was much daylight around in the house we used to live in - and apparently that was so horrendously awkward and hyper-critical of me that he's still recounting the 'shocking' incident at family parties even now, 10 years after we separated.
I mean, in all honesty,
why would I want to do that again? As a single woman I can devote myself 100% to my children. I can be completely responsive to them and live a thoroughly relaxed life with them, without that empty pointless hopeful feeling I used to get, along the lines of: "Oh great, their other parent has come home - I can kick back and have some time to myself! Maybe even a bath? I could eat a meal with two hands instead of one!" Nope, it's all for me to manage and that's the way I like it, nowadays. My children are much better for it too. They know I'm here for them whenever they need me, not spending my precious time and energy on massaging someone's male ego instead.
So why is it deemed 'better' to be married? It's just not, in my experience. It's.. just.. not! There, Mrs Prejudice, put that in your pipe and smoke it ;-)
Yesterday someone gave me some pics they'd taken of me and some of my brood. I love these pics, because they show us as a
complete family (minus Lyddie, sadly, who was sulking in her room at the time, and wouldn't join in the photo!)

Hehe, we're a scruffy bunch, aren't we? Can't think why she bothered with the pedestal in the first place! (I can't be the only one who hates being put on pedestals - they tend to be extremely flimsy things, I find.)