Sunday, 25 January 2009

I've been tagged the Baroness, to tell you eight random facts about me.

Hmmm. I've done this before (here and here) so will try not to duplicate.

Here goes:

  1. My hair is falling out! It happens with every baby and carries on until I stop breastfeeding. It's always grown back before. Here's hoping..!

  2. I always wanted five children - specifically two older boys followed by three younger girls, and that's exactly what I've got.

  3. I love to ice-skate, swim, do lots of physical things like that, but rarely get chance nowadays. Hopefully when the younger children are a bit older..

  4. I'm a complete Tolkien-head. Tell me you didn't know that!

  5. I'm drinking a lot of red bush tea and Barleycup these days instead of tea and coffee. Fascinating!

  6. Err... three more... struggling... OK. I can play the piano, but don't, because I'm not really interested in doing so.

  7. I have a few (ahem!) childhood issues, related to things like number 6!

  8. I write better than I speak.

Now for the rules and my turn to tag:

1. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.

3. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged and to read your blog.

5. For the recipients, leave a comment for the person who tagged you, so they can go and read your answers.

I'll be tagging...

Mrs Darcy - just because she's lovely!
Min - because we've missed her while she's been offline!
Clare - because she might need a quick change from all her valliant home ed-based blogging!
Lotusbirther - because I suspect she might be a tag-virgin ;-)
Grit - what reason could I need? Gotta love Grit.
Mamacrow - because it's bound to be fascinating.
And Allie and Dani because hopefully at least one of them has time for this, and they count as two!

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Things it's taken me 40 years to learn

  • How to use a solid fuel stove, without relighting it every day.

  • I am not a car mechanic.

  • My mother will never change.

  • Some other people do and can change, but not all that much.

  • Being supremely tolerant is not always the best strategy.

  • Moderation.

  • My body is too fertile to ever have sex again.

  • Men do not, by and large, want children. Until they've got them (sometimes), which either therefore never happens, or is often too late.

  • Even if they deny the above, it's still true.

  • Other people can do the washing-up.

  • Yes, I really do need to keep the place tidy, at least sometimes, and am not ashamed to admit it.

  • I can no longer stay slim and live on mince pies. With brandy butter.

  • Sometimes people are friendly for the wrong reasons and actually, those people aren't usually worth keeping as friends.

Things I learned more quickly than that:

  • Money can't buy you love, or much else except stuff that all needs tidying up.

  • It doesn't matter who does the work, as long as it gets done.

  • Antidepressants, antibiotics, contraceptives and other Smarties-from-doctors-that-make-drug-companies-rich, are not for me thank you very much.

  • Homeopathy works, but some people will never be convinced of that fact.

  • Health and happiness go hand in hand.

  • Sleep is good.

  • Some friendships last forever.

  • Time and freedom are worth more than money.

  • Debt is bad.

  • Children are the most valuable asset a person could have, but only if you commit to them instead of your career/social life/travel plans/religion, etc.

  • World of Warcraft is addictive. (I broke the habit 2 years ago.)

  • When my middle daughter tells me it's time to stop blogging and get ready to go out, she's usually right.